Registering for centrelink

I just arrived in Sydney last night, I had booked  a temporary room for a room via airbnb and I am searching for a room, but I have been facing a problem with every owner once I tell them that I have to register for Centrelink as am on skilled independent visa 189, My question is do I have to register for Centrelink giving the fact that am single and if so how can I solve the accommodation problem.?

Mohamed Elkhawaga

Category: Accommodation & Housing

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You don't have to register at the Centrelink. Being single, I don't think you will be eligible for any benefits. Please, check the following topic for more information about Centrelink benefits. 

Having said that, I am not sure why you mentioned to the property owner this, and I am not sure why this was a problem for him! Almost every Australian resident is registered at the Centrelink. This should not be a problem in any way. Please, check the following topic for more information about applying for accommodation.

Good Luck 


Bilal Abdeen (Admin)
Bilal Abdeen (Admin)

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