Interviews Tips & Tricks

Interview Tips


This Post talks about general interview tips and tricks that are worth a review before each interview. Likewise, it states some of the strong acronyms, and presentation techniques to use while pitching (persuade) yourself or any idea.


Ahmed Galal

Category: Jobs & Recruiting

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Prepare beforehand:

  1. Read the JD elicit keywords to stress on in the interview such as “stakeholder management”.
  2. Read about the position and know its values, responsibilities and the characteristics of employee (might be in JD)
  3. Read a little bit about the company and memorize some figures about the company achievement or its market position.
  4. Prepare matched stories and situations from your experience with named customers.
  5. Check the interviewer Linkedin to know what they love to hear.
  6. Make sure you pronounce the interviewer name correctly :)


Ice Breaking - First thing First

  1. Smiling, hi everyone, comfortable.
  2. Break ice by any joke or comments (vaccination or lockdown) in quick - no offence.


Introduce Yourself (Interview or presentation)

  1. Thank people: I am pleased/honored to be with you today.
  2. Introduce yourself. and your current role: Ahmed, been as BA in company x for N years doing consulting in 1,2,3.
  3. Show passion (get closer to the audience): I am passionate about problem solving and analysis and engagement with different stakeholders.
  4. Quick History(audience are in safe hands): In IT field over 15 years, in biggest two companies, 3 certifications in …., skillset, size of projects, size of teams, progress of your career path.

Articulate Answers: (Stress on result) Listen/ think / respond: Know the cause behind the question. When you answer, don't tell a story. try to get to the point. say always three points to highlight here. Ask can you explain further. or reframing (What I understood from your question is , is it correct) - Know that you're not articulate if the question has been repeated.


Answer structure: 

  1. This should be the STAR technique (Situation, My Task, My Action, the Result).
  2. Name the customer of the STAR.
  3. In Result talk about the achievement in figure such smash my target by 10%,


What- if A question which you don’t know: SAY this is a good question let me check and come back to you or this might need a deep dive into details from my side, YOU HAVE TO:

  1. Note it down.
  2. Let's align another time with a further demo.


Common Questions:

  1. How to handle difficult stakeholders? Prepare a STAR
  2. Why do you want to work here? Company values that aligns with my career goals
  3. Why do you want to leave your existing company? Say good words about them and confidently talk about what is your goal and how the new position will fit in it (such as working on a global product and improving income).
  4. What values are you going to add? (look at the JD requirement and highlight your action plan to achieve it with your experiences and skill set) such employ my technical, functional experience In ….. To work together with the team to maximize the business value of …………
  5. What do you do in non working hours? Talk about your social activities such as voluntary work, sports, and outings, camps. etc.
  6. Good things and bad things about your old manager?
  7. Mention a situation you have blamed in?
  8. How do you respond to high-pressure situations? Analyse the problem and stay focused on the root cause (fishbone analysis diagram). Try to turn it into a STAR answer and how to compromise on time, scope, resources and cost (if applicable). Show proactivity.
  9. What do you want to do in the next 5 years? Try to match it with the position (if applicable).


Engage Audience: 

  1. Agree with the interviewer's point/question by repeating it in short and continue your answer such (I definitely agree that difficult stakeholders are there, and ...)
  2. Call them by name

Questions for Interviewer:

  1. What must be the areas I miss and what area do I need to improve?
  2. In my current role we do this, what would be the team structure in your company. 
  3. Closing the interview:
    1. Based on what you’ve seen from the demo/meeting today. How likely you will take me to the next step. 
    2. What must be the areas I miss and what area do I need to improve?
  4. MUST ASK:
    1. Picture me in the role, what do you think my 30 or 60 days plan should be in focus. OR
    2. Based on what you’ve seen from the demo/meeting today. How likely you will take me to the next step. 


Tone and Vocal:

  1. Don't Frying as it looks you are artificially making things. Fry means smoothly ending the statement and gradually lowering your voice. 
  2. Turn the statement into questions always (does it make sense?) - Don't use it always but use different synonym statements (Does it answer your question, are you okay with this)
  3. Try to match your interviewers speaking volume and speaking pace during your interview.
  4. Be confident with using "I" not “we”. 
  5. Stay in the context. Don't use "I am not sure" but use "I hope this answers your question" or "I would be happy to elaborate more if required".
  6. Be soft, not assertive.
  7. Speak with maximum vocal projection and clarity and don't scream.
  8. Wait and think before answering any questions and maybe write notes. THIS shows your analytical ability.
  9. Chunk your stances. short simple sentences and pausing.


Dress: Even for online interviews, SMART casual. Like Shirt or Polo shirt (this might vary).


  1. Show gratitude (honor) and thank him for this opportunity.
  2. Show you interest in the opportunity (if applicable) by mentioning, I will be waiting to know about the next step to progress my application.


Do and Don'ts

  1. Don't say WE but say I.
  2. Don't be quick in answering the question and think behind the question and SHOW this.
  3. Control your talk in short and be articulate and pause.
  4. Be controlling the interview.
  5. Engage people (call people by name)

Ahmed Galal
Ahmed Galal

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