Do you want to apply for a visit visa for your parents/relatives?

Ahmed Galal

Category: Visa

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Here are the steps to apply for Family visa(600) for Egyptian visitor;

1- Login to https://online.immi.gov.au/lusc/login.

2- Create a new Visitor Visa (600) application and fill in all required information. This application can be filled incrementally, in another word every day you can complete a part and save it as a draft.

3- The following papers are required from the visitor in any language with any stamp (as it would be assisted by Australian Embassy in Egypt).

- Passport photocopy.

- Bank statement shows his recent balance.

- Any supporting evidence if he owned a property, car or if he still working or has his own company running. Also if he lives in a rented apartment, then rent contract.

- Any supporting evidence shows that he would get back to Egypt a not to continue illegally living in Australia. Also, maybe mention his children that live with him in Egypt as a guardian.

- Invitation letter (template is attached) - this is the most important.

- Oversees Health insurance certificate (OVHC), that covers the period of his visit. (It compulsory for who aged over 70 and nice to have for who aged below 70). 

The cheapest one is Allianz www.allianzassistancehealth.com.au/ovhc and will cost you around 220$ for 3 months or 36$ every fortnight. BUPA is good as well but it depends on the insurance benefits (but you might compromise).

4- The following papers are required from the sponsor (The one who host the visitor).

- Bank statement (you and your wife, if she has) shows your recent balance.

- Lease agreement/ Rent contract.

- Payslip shows his full monthly salary or employment contract.

- Your Passport, PR or citizenship evidence.

- Driving licence (if you have).

5- The visa application fee is 136$ .

6- You can choose your visa to be multiple entries for maximum one year, which is good if you intend to invite the visitor again but the trick is if the visitor age above 70 then you have to provide OVHC that lasts for one year  :(

After submitting the application, Some other required actions will be shown in the application status. the visitor has to perform a biometric security check in Egypt will cost him around (500LE), but he has to book an appointment online (all details of address contact number will be sent to you once you submit the application.)

Also ONLY if the visitor over 70 years he has to attain one more check which is medical check. It's a kind of blood, urine,  tests cost around250LE. book this by telephone in American Anglo Hospital . (all details of address contact number will be sent to you once you submit the application.)

Once the above steps are done, Offices of both biometric, and medical check will proceed your application from their end to reach the final decision with Australian Embassy in Egypt. the whole cycle might take from2 up to 5 weeks.

Last thing if you are going to bring two visitors together use "Group processing" int their visa application to link both of them together for one-time processing, and approval.

As I knew (Wa Allah A3lam): It is easier to get a fast approval for visitors who visited Australia before or hold more powerful passports.

I attached the template of invitation letter to this message.

Please share this information with whoever need it and sorry if I missed anything.

Salam Alikom

70_2_Invitation letter.doc (Please, login first to download this file.)
kareem ali what if the visitor visa is for my new born who is born offshore, what documents will i need in this case aside from the passport and birth certificate? - kareem ali - 6 years ago

Ahmed Galal
Ahmed Galal


Plaese, note that usually private health insurance does NOT cover pre-existing conditions. So, if you get your parent, who has a pre-existing illness (like heart problems), to visit you, the costs of any treatment in relation to the pre-existing illness will NOT be covered .

للعلم، فإن التأمين الصحي لا يغطي عادة الأمراض التي بدأت قبل بداية التأمين. وعليه إن كان شخص مصاب بمرض مزمن، فالتأمين لن يغطي تكاليف العلاج المتعلقة بهذا المرض. 


Bilal Abdeen (Admin)
Bilal Abdeen (Admin)


يتسائل البعض عن ما يمكن فعله لضمان قبول الطلب. أهم شئ يريدون أن يتأكدوا منه عند تقديم الطلب هو ما يؤكد أن الزائر سيعود لبلده ولن يستقر في أستراليا.

ويكون إثبات ذلك بأكثر عدد ممكن من الأدلة، ومنها: 

- أولاد أو أقارب يكون الزائر مسئول عنهم في البلد الذي يقيم فيه 

- وظيفة في البلد الذي يقيم فيه 

- ممتلكات واستثمارات في البلد الذي يقيم فيه 

تخيل نفسك مكان الموظف الذي ينظر في طلب التأشيرة وما قد يجعله يقتنع بأن احتمال عودة الزائر للبلد الذي يقيم فيه هو أكبر من احتمال إقامته في أستراليا.


Bilal Abdeen (Admin)
Bilal Abdeen (Admin)

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