Whom should I notify when I change my address - تغيير العنوان?

Bilal Abdeen (Admin)

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Please, note the following important notes. 

  1. You need to change the address for you and your wife, and possibly other family members 
  2. Most (actually I think all) organisations have a page on their website, on which you can change your address. Others might need a phone call. 


Check list for changing your address: 

- Driving Licence (or photo ID) authority in your state/territory. In some states/territories, you are legally required to notify RMS with your new address with 14 days of the change 

- Industry licences, e.g. security licence. For some licences, notifying the licence-issuing authority is a legal requirement 

- Banks

- Financial organisations, e.g. Superannuation, mortgage brokers 

- Insurance companies for Car CTP (green slip), other car insurance companies, e.g. 3rd party insurance 

- Other insurance companies, e.g. home contents insurance  

- Paymemt gateways, e.g. PayPal

- myGov (Centrelink, Medicare, ATO, etc). After updating your address, check that each government organisation has the new address. Some organisations require additional steps to update their records 

- AEC (Australian Electoral Commission) 

- Mobile phone service providers

- Transportation cards, Opal Card in NSW

- Loyalty cards, e.g. Woolworths membership card 



Bilal Abdeen (Admin)
Bilal Abdeen (Admin)

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