The following article provides some information about the differences between the different levels of car insurance.


The following article provides some information about the reasons behind the difference in cost between car insurance companies. 


There are private and government websites that help in comparing the costs of car insurance. For example, the following NSW government website compares the cost of CTP (Green Slip) costs in NSW:



Bilal Abdeen (Admin)
Bilal Abdeen (Admin)


التأمين الإجباري في جميع أنحاء أستراليا هو ما يسمى
CTP - Compulsory Third Party insurance
وهو تأمين "للبشر" الذين يصابون في الحوادث، ولا يغطي السيارات!

لمزيد من المعلومات:



Bilal Abdeen (Admin)
Bilal Abdeen (Admin)

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