What is the best private Islamic school?

Rabei Hassan

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Some islamic schools have only primary classes and others have both primary and secondary classes:

In NSW; according to the 2016 HSC ranking:

1- Al-Faisal College: www.alfaisalcollege.com; ranked 42

2- Malek Fahd Islamic School: www.mfis.nsw.edu.au; ranked 78

3- Green Valley Islamic College: www.gvic.com.au; ranked 212

4- Australian Islamic College of Sydney: www.aics.nsw.edu.au; ranked 292

To see the ranks of other schools or previous yesrs: https://bettereducation.com.au/results/hsc.aspx


There is  another type of education; which is international diploma (IB):

Australian International Academy (AIA): http://aiahome.net/; this is an islamic school with branches in Sydney, Melbourne and oversease



Ahmed Mekkawy
Ahmed Mekkawy

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