What is Tax Return - أرجو شرح نظام الضرائب للأفراد?

What is Tax Return & GST?

Do I need an accountant to submit my tax return?

Bilal Abdeen (Admin)

Category: Finance & Banking

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سأحاول في الفيديو التالي شرح ال Tax Return.

Alaa Moaz جزاك الله خير يا حاج بلال ... كفيت ووفيت ... طال عمرك يالغالى - Alaa Moaz - 7 years ago

Bilal Abdeen (Admin)
Bilal Abdeen (Admin)


استكمالا لكلامك يا حاج بلال فى الدقيقه 14 عن ال 

Taxable Government pensions and benefits

فبالبحث السريع وجدت ان مدفوعات الحكومه اللى تجب عليها الضرائب هى 

  • ABSTUDY (living Allowances and additional assistance only)
  • Age pension (including Age Pension Blind)
  • Assistance for Isolated Children
  • Austudy
  • Bereavement Allowance
  • Carer payment (if the carer is under Age Pension age and the person being cared for receives a non-taxable pension
  • Disability Support Pension (for people over the Age Pension age)
  • Community Development Employment Project (CDEP) including CDEP wages by the CDEP organisation to the CDEP participant
  • Exception Circumstances Relief Payment (ECRP)
  • Mature Age Allowance
  • Mature Age Partner Allowance
  • Newstart Allowance
  • Newstart Enterprise Incentive allowance
  • Partner Allowance
  • Parenting Payment (single/partnered)
  • Sickness Allowance
  • Widow Allowance
  • Wife Pension for DSP wives (if both partners are under Age Pension age)
  • Youth Allowance (if under 16 and a student)


و الخلاصه : اغلب الناس حديثي العهد فى استراليا لا يجب عليها دفع ضرائب عن مدفوعات السنتر لنك لان الاغلبيه يتقاضون 

Family Tax Benifit (A&B) only

و البعض يتقاضى 

Rent Assistance 


و الثلاث بنود معفيين من الضرائب




Alaa Moaz
Alaa Moaz


استكمالا لكلامك يا حاج بلال عن ال


GST refund 

الفتره المذكوره هى شهرين و بشرط ان يكون السعر اكثر من 300 دولار 

و التفاصيل 

To claim a refund you must:

  • spend $300 or more (including GST) in a single business;
  • purchase goods no more than 60 days before departing Australia;
  • wear or carry the goods on board as hand luggage (unless they are liquids, gels or aerosols or oversized or bulky goods which must be checked in) and present them along with your tax invoice, passport and international boarding pass to the TRS desk;
  • have paid for the goods yourself; and
  • have an original tax invoice for the goods
  • wear or carry the goods on board as hand luggage and present them along with your tax invoice, passport and international boarding pass to the TRS desk;

Note: If the items to be claimed are liquids, gels or aerosols over the allowable limit or oversized or bulky goods which must be checked in, these items will need to be presented to ABF prior to check-in activities. ABF have an office situated landside on the Arrivals level (ground floor) of the T1 International Terminal, just near the central glass lifts.

More information regarding the Tourist Refund Scheme(TRS) can be obtained by visiting the ABF website or by calling their toll free number 133177.





Alaa Moaz
Alaa Moaz


الرابط التالي لصفحة رسمية على الموقع الحكومي الرسمي لإدارة الضرائب في أستراليا. وتحتوي الصفحة على شرح مبسط باللغة العربية لنظام الضرائب في أستراليا. 



Bilal Abdeen (Admin)
Bilal Abdeen (Admin)

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