Comparing Products

Is there a website to compare the different products, which are available on the Australian market? 

Bilal Abdeen (Admin)

Category: General

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The following website is for an independent organisation, which compares many of the products, which are available on the Australian market. Some of the articles and comparisons are available for free, while others require a paid subscription to access them. I think the subscription fees are quite reasonable.

تقوم المؤسسة التالية بعمل مقارنات محايدة بين المنتجات المتنافسة في السوق الأسترالي. بعض المقالات والمقارنات متوفرة مجانا للجميع، ولكن البعض يحتاج لاشتراك. الاشتراك يعتبر زهيدا عند مقارنته بسعر المنتجات غالية الثمن.


There are many other websites, which compare services (rather than products.) For example, there are websites to compare mobile service providers and others to compare private health insurance companies. It is very important to note that some of these websites do NOT compare ALL service providers. They might compare only a few of the service providers available on the Australian market. Please, refer to the following section of NewAussies.com.au for more information about utility companies, i.e. electricity, phone, internet & gas. 



Bilal Abdeen (Admin)
Bilal Abdeen (Admin)

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