Adelaide for a tech guy ?

Quit my job and left everything behing looking for a new horizon.

Arriving Oz in 2 weeks isA


Adelaide South Australia

What do you think on a scale from 1 to 10

Any recommend  job search strategy I should follow while  based in Adelaide?



Yasser Badr

Category: Jobs & Recruiting

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Hi Yaser,

Adelaide is bit different, if you're not on state nomination then I will suggest you move to Sysney or Melbourne as the job market could be more competetive but more active.
Social life (Middle eastren commnuity) is much larger there (Syd/ Mel) so you'll find lot of support, multicultural cities (adelaid is very white), life style is much enjoyable even though if you live simple as going to parks, beach and meeting with friend. Also grocerise avaialbity (More Afghani Halal Food in Adelaide), weather is much better (it's very dry in Adelaide), better public transportation (Adeliade has buses on East and North) while train runs on West and south (4 carrigae max) so with such warm weather you will need a car to do everything.
life cost is similar except  realestat, hence you can rent a house in Adelaide  rather than a unit in Sydney, yet you will need to pay premium to be next to good school ($450+ /w) while there is chepaer twon houses ($380/ w) still I don't feel the nature of Australia in such places were it's more concrete unlike Sydney it's all green!! Unless you got a job to move to then Adelaide is considerd as the 4th or 5th city in Australia.

Good luck with your move.


Ahmed J
Ahmed J

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