Interview Hints

Bilal Abdeen (Admin)

Category: Jobs & Recruiting

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- Do NOT use salutations, e.g. Mr. and Madam. In Australia, we call people by their first names. Make sure you get the name(s) of your interviewer(s) and to call them by their first name(s). The only exception is for Doctors, who are usually called (Dr. Last-Name.) If you refer to other people in your conversation, e.g. your previous manager or a colleague, you should also use their first name (and NOT Mr./Ms. abc).

- If somebody is in the room, e.g. one of the interviewers, do NOT use he/she. Refer to them by name. It is impolite to refer to someone, who is present in the room, by he/she. This also applies to business meetings, after you start working in a company.

- When referring to people (and not a specific person), use he/she (and NOT he). In some languages and cultures, people use only masculine words, e.g. he, to refer to men and women. This is completely unacceptable in Australia. You should always say (he/she or his/her), rather than (he or his).

- Do not be late or too early. If you arrive too early, wait in in a cafe or somewhere until 5-15 minutes before your appointment. If you expect to be late, call or send an email message (if you do not know the phone number of the interviewer). Explain how late you will be for your appointment and offer to reschedule if necessary.

- Dress professionally, and do not overdress. Do not use a lot of perfume or other products, which have strong scents.

- "Show" confidence and comfort. Imagine that the interview is just another usual business meeting with your manager and colleagues, rather than a stressful interview.

- Ask questions throughout the interview. Pick some topics, which you are comfortable discussing, and see if the interviewer(s) are willing to engage in a 2-way conversation. For example, imagine that you are in a business conference and discussing the usage and effectiveness of some products in various situations, rather than simply answering interview questions. Another example, if the interviewer asks you about your knowledge about a certain technique, you can answer his/her question. Then, you can ask if they use this technique a lot in their processes and if they considered another technique, which you are familiar with.

- Be receptive. Watch what the interviewers' actions and reactions and respond to them. Do not focus on your own behaviour.

- Listen very carefully. You are expected to talk. However, if the interviewer is talking, listen very carefully to what he/she is saying. Never ever cut anybody short (Do not interrupt).

- Read the job description very carefully, a few times before you go for the interview, and imagine what sort of questions you might get. Rehearse with a friend if possible.

- Do some research on the organisation (company), which you are applying for a job in. Try to understand their objectives and values, and what they actually deliver. Use this information to give your answers some context, which is relevant to them.

- If you know the name(s) of the person(s), who you are going to meet, check their profile on LinkedIn. Be familiar with them.

- Ask the HR person or the recruiting agent, who arranged for the interview, to give you some background about the position, the organisation/company and the interviewer.

- Remember that although every part of the recruiting process is supposed to be "objective", we are all "human beings." Show that you are nice and "easy to work with."

- If they called you for an interview, most probably they are looking for confirmation that what they saw in your Resume is true. They want to hire you. Make it easy for them to take that decision. Be confident and help them see that you got what it takes to do the job.

- The first impression is a lasting impression. When the interviewer comes out to pick you from the reception area, shake hands in a professional manner with a smile. Usually, the interviewer will introduce themselves. Make sure you pick their name correctly. If you didn't, ask them politely to say it again (I am sorry, I didn't pick your name).

Good luck...

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Bilal Abdeen (Admin)
Bilal Abdeen (Admin)


Great answer as usual. May i also add some advises.

Job interview questions can vary greatly, and the interviewers asking the questions can have a manner that ranges from distant and diligent to more relaxed and casual. Here are some sample interview questions and answers that could help you know what to expect.

Behavioural questions

  • Example: "Describe a time when you showed initiative in the workplace."
  • How to answer: These questions ask you to reach back into your own history to relay a time where you behaved in a certain way. They're designed to give the interviewer an idea of how you could act in the future, based on your past, so make sure you've memorised some vital positive moments in your career that you are proud to bring up.

Situational questions

  • Example: "How would you manage a large workload with the same deadlines?"
  • How to answer: Situational questions are similar to behavioural questions, however they compel you to speak about how you would deal with a particular issue in the future. This often requires common sense. Make sure you always tailor your answers so that the employer feels your response would benefit the company.  

Competency/ability questions

  • Example: What are your strong points?
  • How to answer: When asked questions about your abilities, avoid bragging. Instead, give three of your strong points and how they have benefited previous employers, focusing on answers that would also be of benefit to the company your interviewing for.

Communication/cultural questions

  • Example: How do you think your colleagues would describe you?
  • How to answer: Employers usually want to know about your interpersonal skills and how you work within a team. Your answer will give them a sense of whether you'd be a good cultural fit. You could say: "colleagues tell me that I'm a good listener" or "...that I'm easygoing and tolerant of others."

Salary questions

  • Example: "What are your salary expectations?"
  • How to answer: As difficult as questions about salary can be, it's important you come prepared by taking the time to research salaries and how much you're worth. If you were pleased with your previous salary, you may want to state that as a ballpark figure and also express your willingness to negotiate if landing this particular job is more important than the money.

Some other interview tips

  • In a phone interview, be really clear and concise in your answers, as you haven't got the luxury of non-verbal communication.
  • Practise makes perfect so enlist a friend to do a mock interview with you.
  • If you don't get the job, learn from it by politely asking for feedback in an email as opposed to the phone, so you don't put the employer on the spot. 

- See more at: https://www.seek.com.au/career-advice/job-interview-tips#sthash.CWtAYB6w.dpuf


Alaa Moaz
Alaa Moaz


موضوع الانترفيوهات ده علم ذي اي علم تاني ...ذيه ذي الهندسه و الطب و خلافه ...مشكلتنا ان بتوع الانترفيو (اتش ار) دارسين الكلام ده عشان شغلتهم فبيكلونا لما نخشلهم ....بلظبط كأنك انت مهندس و جايلك واحد دكتور و المفروض تسأله في اختصاصك ...اللي هيحصل انك هتخلي اللي ميشتري يتفرج عليه!!
عشان كده انا جبت كام كتاب كده لاقيتهوم علي موقع متخصص في الحاجات دي ...اشتريتهم بدولار بس والله ما خساره فيهم ...الكتب دي فيها الزتونه ...اهمهم كتاب اسمه interview secrets exposed هتلاقوا الينك بتاع الكتب في اخر البوست.
الانترفيوهات عامه منقسمه الي ٣ انواع :
1- General questions 
و ده بيبقي نوع الاسئله الحمضانه اللي ملهاش لازمه علي غرار ...احكيلي عن نفسك ...و شايف نفسك فين كمان ٥ سنين ...و عاوز تمشي من شركتك ليه ...و ايه اللي يخلينا نقبل بواحد ذي حالاتك ..و هكذا ....كل الاسئله دي اجاباتها النموذجيه هتلاقوها في الكتاب اللي قولتلكم عليه.

2-behavioural questions 
و دي ارخم نوع ..لانه بيعتمد انه يسألك عن مواقف حصلتلك ...فملهاش اجابات نموذجيه ...كل ما هنالك انك لازم تحضر مواقف علي اد ما تقدر ...برده الكتاب اللي بقولكم عليه في خمسين سؤال مواقف ممكن تقول كده مغطين كل الاسئله اللي حد ممكن يسألهالك . والله الناس اللي كانت بتسألني كنت بحس انهم بيقروا من نفس الكتاب ...الاسئله بالنص.

يبقي حضرتك المفروض تعمل ايه ...المفروض تاخد الخمسين سؤال دول و تعمل عليهم مواقف من واقع خبرتك ...كل واحد في مجاله ...و نصيحه خلي زميل ليك في الشغل يساعدك ...عشان تطلع احسن موقف مناسب لكل سؤال....و خلي بالك ...عادي جدا ان موقف واحد ينفع لاكتر من سؤال.

نصيحتي ليك ...خليك خبيث وانت بتجاوب ...هديك مثال ...انا الشغلانه التانيه اللي كنت مقدملها كان المفروض ٤ يمتحنوني ورا بعض كل واحد ساعه ....و كانوا مديني اساميهم...فلاقيت ان اول واحد هيمتحني يبقي senior manager... فلما كان بيسألني عن الموقف ...كنت بحكيهوله بس من وجه النظر اللي هو عاوز يسمعها ...فمثلا اقوله اد ايه اللي انا عملته وفر للشركه فلوس ...و تاني واحد كان technical .. فحكيتله نفس الموقف بس من منظور هندسي اكتر و هكذا ...من الاخر ...لازم تلعب علي عقلهم الباطن. 
دايما نوعيه الاسئله دي بيترد عليها بحاجه اسمها STAR technique و كل حرف من كلمه ستار بيرمز لترتيب معين في الاجابه 
S: situation 
T: task
A: action
فحاول كل موقف بتقلفه تخليه في الترتيب ده و اهم حاجه ال result علشان الراجل في الاخر ميحسش انك وديته و جيبته و مطلعش بكلمه مفيده من سيادتك.
بعد ما تجهز المواقف دي ....متعملش اي حاجه في عيشتك غير انك تقعد تدرب عليهم ...انا طريق المحور ده ياما حفظت مواقف عليه وانا ماشي في الزحمه ..احفظهم ذي اسمك ...و ان شاء الله هتظبط معاك.

3-situational questions 
و دي اسئله افتراضيه ...دايما بيسألك هتعمل ايه لو حصل معاك الموقف الفلاني ...دي مبتجيش كتير بس غالبا بيبقي عاوز يختبر your logical thinking و برده هتلاقي اجابات نموذجيه في الكتاب اللي بقولكم عليه.

اجتهد و ركز ...التجهيز للانترفيو مهم ...و التوفيق في الاول و الاخر بتاع ربنا ......شدوا حيلكم


Ashraf Hosny
Ashraf Hosny


some of the most common questions that are being asked in the interview are the following:

Why do you want this job?
Where do you see yourself in 6 years’ time?
Why should we employ you?
What makes you the best candidate for this position?
Why did you leave your last position?
Tell us about a conflict in your last position and how you resolved it?
What interests you about this job?
What did you like/dislike about your previous position?
What do you know about us?
Why do you want to work for us?
What are your strong points?
What are your weaknesses?
What mistakes have you made and what have you learned from them?
How much do you think the position pays?
Are you a fast learner? How long before you start adding value to the company?
What do you do in your spare time?
Have you ever worked in a situation where there are no process in place?
What motivates you?
Tell us about a time you had to handle rejection?
Tell us about a time you took a risk, how did it go?
Do you prefer to work alone or with a team?
How did you handle working with a person you get along with?
Have you had a disagreement with a manager? How did you handle it?
What are the three things that are most important to you in a job?
What was a very hard decision you had to make and how did you handle it?
Tell us about a time you demonstrated leadership/initiative outside your role? How did it go?
Tell us about a time you made a mistake at work. How did you go about fixing it?
What challenges and opportunities do you think the company faces?
What do you know about our products and services?
What are your career goals and how will you get there?
How do you see this position assisting you in your career goals?
What were your objectives last year and did you achieve them?
What skills are you looking to develop this year?
Do you have any Australian experience?
Have you had to prepare any reports in English?
Do you have any Australian referees?
What are your salary expectations?
Why do you think you are the best person for this job?
Stress and pressure are normal in this position. How do you handle these?


Also please note that it is best to answer any behavioral questions using the STAR model .


Mohamed Elnakib
Mohamed Elnakib


السلام علیكم. اللينك المرفق یحتوى انشأ االله على مجموعه الكورسات اللى بتدرس فى مختلف جامعات استراليا بخصوص
Interview skills
How to get job
Improve your LinkedIn
Develop your career
وايضا يحتوى على
تعب ومتابعة كل الجروبس و المواقع خلال الستة شهور اللى فاتوا
یحتوى على شرح مكونات الامتحان وكل تركس وایه احسن تمبلت وكمان تذاكر منین وتنظم نفسك ازاى

Link: https://sites.google.com/view/mohamedawadallah/resources

ارجو النشر على اوسع نطاق
بالنجاح والتوفیق. واالله الموفق


Mohamed Awadallah
Mohamed Awadallah

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