What are the different types of NBN connections available and how can I know which one is better?

Ahmad Yusuf

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السلام عليكم 

موضوع الانترنت في استراليا دار الحديث حوله كثيرا , البعض يشكو من سوء الخدمه و البعض الاخر لا يري مشكله , فما هو الفرق و كيف يمكننا قدر المتسطاع التاكد من وجود خدمه انترنت في المكان الذي اخترناه للسكن ؟ ما هو الـ NBN الذي يتحدث عنه الجميع و ما هي انواعه المختلفه

هذا الفيديو البسيط يجيب علي هذه الاسئله و يساعدك علي فهم موضوع الانترنت و اهميه معرفه نوع الانترنت المتوفر في مكان السكن قبل التعاقد عليه 


Ahmed Elsayed The National Broadband Network is due to physically link up with its ten millionth property by the end of the year, which will mark the 85 per cent completion point for the biggest infrastructure scheme undertaken in Australia for half a century..... https://www.wattelectricalnews.com/NEWS/NBN:-We%E2%80%99re-slow-to-buy-speed/42597?utm_source=Weekly+Wire+Loyals&utm_campaign=ccd84edc51-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_01_09&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_acdc6e3c64-ccd84edc51-86764337&ct=t(weekly_wire_2018wk02_Wednesday1_9_2018)&goal=0_acdc6e3c64-ccd84edc51-86764337&mc_cid=ccd84edc51&mc_eid=b491f38b26 - Ahmed Elsayed - 7 years ago

Ahmad Yusuf
Ahmad Yusuf


دا برضه مقال مهم عن الموضوع منشور النهاردة 

The National Broadband Network is due to physically link up with its ten millionth property by the end of the year, which will mark the 85 per cent completion point for the biggest infrastructure scheme undertaken in Australia for half a century..... 

المقال في "الأتشامنت" عشان مش عارف اضيف اللينك


Ahmed Elsayed
Ahmed Elsayed


For NBN, please keep in mind few things before you select it: 1) is your area supported by it. 2) if yes, do you have already connection to the property. 3) if not, is the owner of the unit agree to get NBN into the unit, as there will be some digging and some payments. For the payments, usually the owner pay for it (after negotiations) as you leave the equipments for the owner after finishing your lease.

From my real experience, ADSL2+ is better than the standard NBN.


Ahmed Mekkawy
Ahmed Mekkawy


The following article provides excellent information about the available NBN plans in Australia, and how to choose the best one for your needs. 



Bilal Abdeen (Admin)
Bilal Abdeen (Admin)

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