
السلام عليكم

I have PR for myself, wife and 2 kids since 2 years, few days back I was blessed with a3rd daughter, how can I get Visa for here also.

Mohamed Shehab, MIEAust, , PMP, CFPS

Category: Visa

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W. Salam

Hamdollah, may Allah bless her. I think you should apply for child visa subclass 101, fill the needed forms, provide the required supportive documents, pay the fees..please go through the below link


Good luck


Mohamed Shehab, MIEAust, , PMP, CFPS I followed the above link but how can i get "Evidence that the sponsor has the legal right to decide where the child is to live" in the Sponsor documents section for my 4 months daughter? generally this section is complicated - Mohamed Shehab, MIEAust, , PMP, CFPS - 8 years ago

Ahmed J
Ahmed J

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