Partner/wife/husband Visa - تأشيرة زواج

Bilal Abdeen (Admin)

Category: Visa

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To the best of my knowledge, there are 3 kinds of spouse visas: wife/husband, defacto partner (girl/boyfriend), and fiancé/fiancée (خطيبة/خطيب).

For the 1st two visas, the applicant needs to prove that the relationship is genuine and continuing.

For a fiancé visa, it is much easier than the other 2 visas, but you have to pay the expensive fees (around $9,000) twice, once for the fiancé visa, and again when you apply for the wife visa (after you get married in Australia.)

You should find much more details on the excellent immigration website: 

The following non-official article suggests some ideas about the evidence required to prove the genuity of a relationship.



Bilal Abdeen (Admin)
Bilal Abdeen (Admin)

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